Owl question

In the OWL AS&S, restrictions and Boolean class expressions are different
productions, so they cannot be mixed in a single class description.  In
(normative) appendix B of OWL Reference, owl:Restriction is a sub-class of
owl:Class, and the domain of owl:intersectionOf (etc) is owl:Class.  Which
suggests that this:

<owl:Restriction rdf:ID="Odd">
    <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
        <owl:Class rdf:ID="A" />
        <owl:Class rdf:ID="B" />

is a reasonable construct.  Given that it would be fairly easy to define
owl.owl in such a way as to better reflect the syntactic structuring in
AS&S, I wonder why there's a discrepancy - especially as both sources are


Ian Dickinson    HP Labs, Bristol, UK     mailto:Ian.Dickinson@hp.com

Received on Monday, 31 March 2003 13:58:55 UTC