OWL Lite's restrictions on the use of the OWL vocabulary

8.3 OWL Lite [ In OWL Reference] says:

1. Class axioms with an owl:equivalentClass statement. In these axioms both the domain and range should be either a class identifier or a property restriction. 

2. In value restrictions, only owl:allValuesFrom and owl:someValuesFrom may be used.(not explicitly state whether or not property-restriction type can be used )

3. Only class descriptions of the class-identifier and property-restriction type are allowed at the righthand-side of domain and range statements for object properties. 

However. 2.3.1. OWL Lite Axioms [In OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics] says:

A. axiom ::= 'EquivalentClasses(' classID { classID } ')'

    It means that only a class identifier can be the domain and range of an owl:equivalentClass statement.

B. restriction ::= ...| 'restriction(' individualvaluedPropertyID 
                        { 'allValuesFrom(' classID ')'}
                        { 'someValuesFrom(' classID ')' } ... ')'
    It means that only a class identifier can be used for owl:allValuesFrom and owl:someValuesFrom constructs.

C. axiom ::= 'ObjectProperty(' individualvaluedPropertyID { annotation } { 'super(' individualvaluedPropertyID ')'}
              { 'domain(' classID ')'} { 'range(' classID ')' }  ... ')'

    It means that only a class identifier can be allowed at the righthand-side of domain and range statements for object properties. 

Which one is the correct statement about the OWL Lite's restrictions on the use of the OWL vocabulary?

Yuzhong Qu

Received on Sunday, 30 March 2003 23:19:02 UTC