Re: Even more Fuzzy about FunctionalProperty!

A better example for FunctionalProperty is probably
hasFather.  If I know that

  :hasFather rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty
  :mike :hasFather :joe
  :mike :hasFather :joseph

I can then conclude that

  :joe owl:sameIndividualAs :joseph

Such cardinality reasoning with data type properties is less
useful, although the modelling aspects of "at most 1" can
also be very important (as seen in most programming
languages and database systems).

Also, I would recommend that folks avoid using a value like
"6300 kilometers" in favor of a representation that made
6300 an XML Schema numeric datatype (e.g. xsd:decimal)
suitable for arithematic computation and :kilometers an
instance that could then be related to other instances such
as :miles and :meters.


Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 08:22:34 UTC