Is everything blank?

> Not sure what you mean. Certainly, it would be possible to take any
> OWL triple (Using Ntriples notation):
> ex:foo ex:Property ex:baz
> and replace it with
> _:x ex:Property ex:baz
> _:x owl:sameIndividualAs ex:foo
> and the two are equivalent. And since they are, the second form is
> kind of confusing (not wrong, but confusing) since one might easily
> think, when reading it, why didn't they just write the first one?

I was thinking that a node is some abstract thing, and the name (URI,
QName, whatever) of a node is a property of the node.  So all nodes are
really blank; some are identified by a statement like the second N
Triple.  However, I now think that is probably not be correct [1,2,3,4],
and the OWL property, "owl:sameIndividualAs", is not suited for general

Jimmy Cerra

] "I have learned these days, never to limit
]  anyone else due to my own limited
]  imagination." - Dr. Mae C. Jemison




Received on Friday, 6 June 2003 02:05:44 UTC