How burdensome are the OWL restrictions on metadata?

Our applications like to associate icons (gifs) with some
classes.  We implement this by having a class  IconClass that
is a subclass of rdfs:Class that has a slot 'hasIcon'.  For example:

     system:IconClass rdfs:subClassOf  rdfs:Class
     rdfs:domain system:hasIcon system:IconClass
     rdfs:range system:hasIcon xsd:string
     chime:Aircraft rdfs:subClassOf  system:IconClass
     chime:Aircraft  system:hasIcon "htttp:/localhost/.../aircraft.gif"

My question is, suppose we add some statements that include
some simple OWL-lite properties.  Does the combination of
our meta-level statements and the OWL-lite statements land
us into OWL-full, or are we OK?

Cheers, Bob

Received on Friday, 4 April 2003 14:11:17 UTC