Summary: RedBook Demo: an Ontology-Driven WebPortal

A brief summary of the LCS seminar given 2002-11-18.

Goal of project:
 - Match web portal users' research interests to some thing with a
   'research profile' (originally to help new grad students find a thesis

User experience:
 - Standard web portal-type registration, discussion forums, events, etc.
 - Novelty comes in with filling out a research profile for users.  The
   profile is based on a very large XML Schema ontology of computational
   and biomedical research interests.

   The interface is search/string matching driven, and results are XPath-like
   ('Computation/AI/') to help users understand the context of results.  A
   user can add a search result to their profile, and from there,
   ontologically related choices for profile addition will also be

Behind the scenes:
 - Everything of major importance actually has a research profile, not
   just users.  Events, news, projects, professors; this is to facilitate
   the major attraction, which is matching interests, or 'profile
 - Profile matching is accomplished with some algorithm which went by too
   quickly, but seems to be based on comparing tree depth (don't take my
   word on that)
 - Profile matching results in a score, and the highest scored things are
   marked as being interesting to a user.  Searching for a research
   project or advisor is the main use of this, though anything can be
   compared (users to users, users to events, etc.)

Other notes:
 - Based on .NET
 - Not yet live, so no results to speak for its effectiveness
 - Also some NLP to build research profiles out of English descriptions,
   though getting data into the system seems to be done best as a human
 - Parts of the system are fairly general and could probably be quickly
   redone for a different research field, though with the same goal

Ryan Lee

Received on Monday, 18 November 2002 17:48:29 UTC