Re: Open world assumption reference


Correction / Completion:

         "Logics For Artificial Intelligence"
         Raymond Turner
         (c) 1984 R. Turner / Ellis Horwood Limited
         ISBN 0-85312-713-1 (Ellis Horwood Ed.)
         ISBN 0-470-20123-1 (Halsted Press Ed.)
         Pub. Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester
         distr. Halsted Press divn. of John Wiley & Sons

This volume covers (summarizing the table of contents):
         Non-standard logics in CS and AI
         Modal logic
         Dynamic logic
         3-valued logics
         Intuitionistic logic
         Non-monotonic logic
         Temporal logic and fuzzy logic

It's a spare volume covering these topics in only 119 pages.

This title is out of print, but copies are available via for 
about $20 US.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 11:33 2002-11-13, Richard Waldinger wrote:

>there used to be a book "logic for artificial intelligence" by raymond turner
>has some of that sort of stuff.  i haven't read it.

Richard--your shift key appears to be broken...

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2002 16:10:31 UTC