Re: Semantics, in particular DAML+OIL semantics


Can I ask you to clarify one term:   You said:

Much of the debate around layering of OWL on top of RDF and RDFs boils
down to whether the Semantic Web should treat classes and arc labels as
first class objects, about which arbitrary new kinds of statements can
be made.

By 'arc labels' do you mean the rdfs:Property which is just another class?
Or do you mean the ~labeled arc~ itself ?   Which, imo, RDF does *not* treat
as a 'first class' object since it needs to be reified to be treated as a
first class object.

Seth Russell

--- Original Message -----
From: R.V.Guha
To: Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Semantics, in particular DAML+OIL semantics

I am referring to the ability to treat classes and predicates as first class


 Otherwise, I am afraid all I can see is consternation caused by the
inability of description logics to accomodate a fairly basic feature
that has been found useful in many widely implemented systems.

What feature are you referring to?


Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Bell Labs Research

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2002 18:15:08 UTC