RE: Dataypes, literals, syntax

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext pat hayes []
> Sent: 07 August, 2002 18:52
> To: Drew McDermott
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Dataypes, literals, syntax
> >    [Pat Hayes]
> >    But I don't see the real utility of the suggestion [to write,
> >    e.g., the literal 10 as xsd:integer"10"] in this case. 
> It provides
> >    no extra expressive ability; at best it saves a triple here or
> >    there; but on the other hand it complicated the syntax. 
> So this is
> >    a syntactic trade-off, and I guess I think that on 
> balance its not
> >    worth the trouble. We can get the same effect by using a 
> bnode and
> >    an extra triple, in effect writing the typed literal as a triple:
> >
> >    Jenny age _:x .
> >    _:x xsd:integer "10" .
> >
> >Isn't this what was earlier called "Idiom 1"?  I take it no one
> >disagrees with the use of Idiom 1; the problem is that people like
> >Idiom 2
> >
> >     <age>10</age>
> >
> >or perhaps 2b   <.... age="10"   />
> >
> >(I express these in XML style just to savor their rich ambiguity.)
> >
> >So the problem is to fix Idiom 2.  Saying "You can always use Idiom
> >1" does not answer the question, unless you really mean, "Abandon
> >Idiom 2."
> We are going in circles. I was responding to a proposal by Peter to 
> incorporate datatyping information into the literal itself. That 
> proposal involves extending the notion of 'literal' in RDF, so it's 
> not either of the idioms. 

Well, I would consider the proposed datatyped literal node
as something other than a literal -- a URLref like entity
which globally and unambiguously denotes a specific datatype

I.e., having something like (xsd:integer)"10" as a node in the
graph introduces a fourth atomic component into the graph

Unless one is saying that the structured literal is really
now a four-tuple, consisting of parseType bit, lexical
string, xml:lang, and datatype. But that's making literals
rather "heavy" objects. Better to get all that information out
into the graph explicitly.

> My point was only that one can achieve 
> essentially the same effect by using idiom 1, without changing RDF 
> syntax, and keeping the datatyping information as an explicit 
> assertion in the RDF graph.


And since we're strongly constrained by the charter to make
as few changes as possible, this is the path we likely
should choose.

> I agree that none of this has any direct bearing on idiom 2, but that 
> was not the point under discussion. My own current preference for 
> idiom 2 is to allow it, but insist that what it says (in your 
> example) is that age is a string.

Two comments to that:

1. This precludes any real interaction between RDF range constraints
   and datatyping, since any rdfs:range assertion will preclude use
   of the inline idiom. If the rdfs:range of ex:age is xsd:integer,
   then one can't say { Jenny ex:age "10" . }. And since most folks
   use, and want to use the inline idiom, I'd consider that a rather
   hard sell... (but hey, we've been over this many, many times)

2. XML Schema employs untidy semantics for datatyping. C.f.
   So folks who expect RDF datatyping to correspond at least at
   the conceptual level with XML Schema will likely prefer untidy literals
   and a literal in the inline idiom denoting a datatype value.


Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Friday, 9 August 2002 07:15:44 UTC