Re: Signation

Jon Awbrey wrote:

> |  "Matthew"  is a sign that denotes Matthew   (in the real world).
> |  "x"        is a sign that denotes x         (in the real world).
> |  "<x, y>"   is a sign that denotes <x, y>    (in the real world).
> |  "R"        is a sign that denotes {<x, y> : <x, y> in R} (ITRW).
> | '"Matthew"' is a sign that denotes "Matthew" (in the real world).
> | '"x"'       is a sign that denotes "x"       (in the real world).
> | '"<x, y>"'  is a sign that denotes "<x, y>"  (in the real world).
> | '"R"'       is a sign that denotes "R"       (in the real world).   <<<---<<<

So can you provide a dereferencible URI to ITRW, and will you assert (in the real
world) that it is the official URI ?

   :properName "Seth Russell";
   :mbox "";
   :workingOn <>;
   :workingOn <>;
   :wrote <>;
   :conjectures <>;
   :affiliatedWith <>;
   :affiliatedWith <>;
   :lookingFor [Who:Person#x :willProgram :Sembrowser].

[:Seth :notes "the syntax error encountered when using the N3 "<...>" construct
when embedded in XML."]

Received on Saturday, 27 January 2001 12:47:21 UTC