Re: rdf:value backwards? [was: a few issues...]

From: Dan Connolly <>
Subject: rdf:value backwards? [was: a few issues...]
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 21:26:30 -0600

> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> [...]
> > 3.  Using the property rdf:value to link from a point in the value
> >     space (eg 10) to a point in the lexical space (eg "10") seems
> >     completely backwards.
> Er... I think I remember how it got to be this way...
> Since we're deciding whether to invest in the name rdf:value
> or not, now is a good time to consider alternatives.
> (I copy www-rdf-comments (a) to record the design
> rationale for rdf:value as it is, and (b) to provide
> an alternative should this issue be opened again
> in the new RDF Core WG).
> Probably a better choice would be toString, as in
> [[[
>  public String toString()
>      Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the
> toString method
>      returns a string that "textually represents" this object. 
> ]]]
> --        Class java.lang.Object

If there is going to be a change, then I vote for some short version of


Received on Sunday, 18 February 2001 14:52:06 UTC