CFP for IEEESOSE2011- International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering



The 6th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering 
December 12-14, 2011, Irvine, CA, USA

Collocated with SOCA, KSEM, RTSOAA and KASTLES


Important Dates: Submission: July 20, 2011
Notification:  Aug. 20, 2011 
Camera Ready Copy: Sept. 23, 2011 
Symposium:  Dec. 12 -14, 2011

Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society;
- Arizona State University 
- San Jose State University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Oxford Brookes University
- University of Leeds 

Starting from 2005, SOSE is one of the pioneering symposia 
devoted to the research in engineering service-oriented systems. 
It has addressed issues in various aspects of engineering SOA-based systems from 

architecture and computing paradigm to the development and quality validation 

and solutions. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) exploits services as the 

elements for developing computer-based systems. It has been applied to various 

and promotes fundamental changes to system architecture. 
SOC changes the way software 
systems are being analyzed, architected, designed, implemented, tested, 

delivered, consumed, maintained, and evolved, SOSE symposia focuses on the SOC 

the perspectives of software engineering and system engineering. 
Recently, cloud computing
 further expands the scope of SOC to include new subjects such as Platform as a 
Service (PaaS), 

Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Testing as 
a Service (TaaS).

Continuing the tradition of the last five SOSE Symposia, the 6th SOSE provides a 

for researchers and practitioners to exchange latest observations, insights, 

achievements and visions in the engineering of service systems. Particularly, 
SOSE 2011 

invites original submissions in all the areas of the system engineering, 
software engineering 

methods, techniques, tools, applications, and experiments for software services. 

A. Regular Research Papers. The topics include, but are not limited to, the 

Track I: Service-Oriented Computing¨C System Engineering
- Business process integration and management 
- Governance for large-scaled service-oriented systems 
- Modernization, migration, and servicetization of legacy systems 
- Modeling and simulation of service-oriented systems 
- Adaptation, control and optimization in service-oriented systems 
- Social and collaborative engineering of services systems 
- Service interoperability, composibility, quality, reliability, mobility, 
scalability, elasticity, and security  
Track II. Service-Oriented Computing
- Software Engineering
- Model-driven development of service-oriented systems 
- Multi-tenant architecture, configurable architecture  
- Requirement and design modeling of services and systems 
- Specifications of services and systems 
- Semantic services and semantic enabled service engineering 
- Architecture including event-driven architecture, code generation, 
- Dynamic service delivery, deployment and evolution
- Lifecycle models, reusability, and  
- Metrics and measurement of services, QoS, and QoE
- Runtime verification, validation, monitoring, testing on-the-fly and policy 

Track III. Service-Oriented Computing 
- Emergent Paradigms and Technologies
- Service oriented architecture, analysis, modeling, design, validation, QoS, 
and evaluation for Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Service oriented architecture, analysis, modeling, design, validation, QoS, 
and evaluation for Platform as a service (PaaS)
- Service governances, policies, standards, technologies in cloud computing
- Issues, solutions, techniques, tools and standards for Testing as a Service 

B. Applications and Industry Experiences
Papers report case studies, 
empirical research and practical experiences in service engineering are invited. 

The topics include but not limited to the following. 
- Enterprise architecture and solution frameworks 
- Platforms and tools for system and software engineering 
- Application composition based on services 
- Case studies, experiments and evaluation of services and application systems 

C. Review of the State-Of-The-Art of the Research on Service Engineering and 
Emergent Subjects
In addition to regular research papers sessions, this year 
the symposium will invite tutorial papers which review the current advance 
in service engineering and related emergent subjects. 
These papers should summarize the recent research advance in service engineering 

from different perspectives, identify the open issues and future needs and 

in the field. In addition, SOSE 2011 also welcome timely problem discussion 

that focus on new issues, needs and challenges in emergent subjects. 
The topics include, but not limited to, the following: 
- Modeling, simulation and static analysis of service-oriented  systems, 
- Testing, verification, validation and quality assurance in the development of 
service oriented systems
- Governance and policies in service oriented software development
- Engineering techniques and tools to support the publishing, discovery and 
composition of services
- Architectural and detail designs of services and code generation of service 
- Techniques and tool support the deployment and execution of services
- Measurements and metrics of QoS in SOA-based application systems

Paper Submission 
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers 
as well as industrial practice papers and position papers. 
Simultaneous submissions to other publication venues are not permitted. 
Online Submission Site:

Please submit papers in PDF format through the SOSE web site. Manuscript should 

prepared following the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings. 
Author Guidelines 

Page Limit: The page limits for three different types of papers are as follows.
Paper Type                         
Page Limit
- Research paper:                  12 pages
- Industrial practice/Case study:  6 pages
- Survey-based tutorial papers: 
   12 pages
Publication: All accepted papers will be included in the symposium proceedings, 
which will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and included in the 
IEEE Digital Library.
At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the symposium to present 
the work. 

- Journal Special Issue: We plan to publish a special journal issue for the 

and revised versions of selected best papers presented at the SOSE 2011 

- Best Paper Award: One paper will be given the SOSE 2011 Best-Paper-Award at 
the conference 

for the best quality of the paper and presentation.

General Chair:
Jorge L. Sanz, IBM, USA, 
Jie Xu, University of Leeds, UK

Program Co-Chairs:
Jerry Gao, San Jose State University, CA, USA (email:
Xiaodong Lu, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (email:
Hong Zhu, Oxford Brookes University, UK (email:

Publication chair
Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK (email:

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Robert  Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan, (email:
China: Xiaoying Bai, Tsinghua University, China, 
Europe: Lu Liu, University of Derby, UK,
USA: Ignacio Terrizzano, IBM, USA email: 

Program Committee (Please see SOSE 2011 Website
Steering Committee:
- Wei-Tek Tsai, Arizona State University, USA (Chair)
- M.?Malek,?Humboldt University, Germany
- K. J. Lin, University of California at Irvine, USA
- I-Ling Yen, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
- Ray Paul, Department of Defense, USA
- J. Chung, IBM, USA

Web site: sose2011/

Received on Monday, 2 May 2011 18:14:10 UTC