On The Move Academy: PhD Project Screening

On The Move Academy: PhD Project Screening

As the submission deadlines for our On The Move Federated Conferences  
2008 event draw closer (see www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf) we would like  
to draw once more your attention to the OTM Academy (a.k.a. Doctoral  
Consortium) which allows successfully selected PhD candidates to  
register at extremely attractive conditions, approx 295 euro for  
unlimited access to *all* component open events (conferences and  
workshops) during the entire week (9-14 Nov) of OnTheMove 2008  
(Monterrey, Mexico).

As in previous years, a panel composed of the OTM Academy Dean and  
Accompanying Professors will make a rigorous selection, based on  
scientific quality, from single-authored submissions by PhD students  
about their thesis work and invite them for presentation at OTM and  
publication in the LNCS Workshops Proceedings.

You find more details on http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/index.html?page=dc2008cfp

Presentation includes an in-depth public discussion by the panel and  
involves all aspects and educational context of PhD work, and is  
intended to assist the student in his futher thesis work and provide  
him/her with a "first" international publication.

Note this offer therefore is not open to PhD students who have  
authored or co-authored another accepted paper elsewhere in one of the  
OnTheMove 2008 Conferences or Workshops.

Please communicate the OTM Academy to interested PhD students!

--on behalf of the organizers

--Antonia Albani
--Sonja Zaplata
--Johannes Maria Zaha

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2008 09:19:29 UTC