Re: Revised draft of CBD wrote:

> I use curl a great deal to interact with our URIQA-enlightened servers
> using the URIQA HTTP methods (it's unfortunate that the Sun Java API
> is so anal about the use of novel methods -- I've tried to get that
> addressed, but it seems like a "religious" crusade to protect programmers
> from themselves... maybe it's time to (again) try to push that issue...)

doGet() and doPost() are just convenience methods, the real method that 
the servlet engine invokes is service() which then dispaches to do***() 
methods, but you can totally overload that method yourself call, if you 
like, your doMget() method after reacting on request.getAction()

There is no need to change the API.


Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2004 17:33:27 UTC