Re: I guess it’s a stupid questions…

On Sat, 2004-11-13 at 02:42 +0800, Petko Petkov wrote:
> I guess it’s a stupid question, but I still do not understand why RDF is better than just XML.
> I understand that XML is just an approach of describe other markup languages and I believe that
> RDFS goes on the top of XML. That’s great, but, we are making our lives harder again and again.
> Simple XML tags are much powerful than RDF statements and the triplets can be represented in much
> simpler way using namespaces. 
> I have read somewhere that XML and XML Schemas are not good because XSD implies specific rules on
> the document structure. I find this explanation rather stupid than complete. XSD have the capabilities
> to include into a particular element different elements that may come from different namespace for example. 
> I examined Firefox structure to see real RDF examples. Although, Firefox is just the best browser in the
> world, RDFS can be replaced by XML.
> Can somebody explain to me?
> Thanks

The following article is a decent RDF is not XML intro:

-- Michael

Received on Friday, 12 November 2004 18:59:02 UTC