Ann: Joseki 2.1

Joseki: The Jena RDF Server

	Andy Seaborne
	May 2004
This is the version 2.1 release of Joseki - a server for publishing RDF
models on the web. Models have URLs and they can be accessed by HTTP GET.

Joseki is part of the Jena RDF framework.  Joseki is open source under a
BSD-style license.

Please send questions to


This is primarily a maintenance release.
Changes from Joseki 2.0.0:

    + Added a Perl client library
    + Changed to use Jakarta Common Logging to allow Java 1.4 or log4j
      to be used as the logging infrastructure
    + Add ant targets for building and deploying as a webapp
    + Upgrade Jena to Jena 2.1
    + Upgrade Jetty to Jetty 4.1.19
    + Better diagnostics, particularly for finding the configuration file.
    + Fixed bug about bad handling of data with malformed URIs and
      unserializable results.  Now generates an HTTP error as it should do.
    + Fixed bug on update operations.  The document specified operations
      should have "?op=add" but the code assumed just "?add".  The
      documentation is correct.  The server accepts both forms now.
    + Improved charset handling.  The server will use UTF-8 unless
      requested otherwise.
    + Improve document, especially about installing as a webapp.
Upgrading from Joseki-2.0.0:

    + There are no configuration file changes.
    + New jar file: lib/commons-logging.jar
    + Changes to the format of default logging messages

Received on Friday, 7 May 2004 11:38:41 UTC