Using RDF to describe biological taxonomy.

I've set this up, and I'd like your comments.  I've used the ITIS
database along with some perl to describe biological taxonomy (Kingdom,
Phylum, etc..)  in the style of wordnet.

Homo Sapiens (species)

Primates (Order)

I'd like to get this to production quality.  I wanted avoid creating my
own vocabulary, which is why I am using rdfs:comment for the rank
and rdfs:title for the latin name.  The more I think about it, the more
I'm convicted to create a vocabulary.

Before I go any further, I'd like your input.  Is there a better way of
doing this?  Is this a stupid idea that noone will ever use?  I'm new to
RDF, so I need your comments.

Thanks for your time,
Tim Nowaczyk

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