Re: a bnode URI scheme?!

Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote:

> I don't think that it is true that the identity of an anonymous resource
> is given by the fact that only identical properties are present in the
> model. 

What you're saying here is both true and false.  Its true in the sense 
that a bNode, as an existential variable, doesn't identify anything 
(that's outside of the scope of RDF semantics)  but wrong in the sense 
that two RDF graphs are equivalent even if they have bnodes with 
different names but the same extension. Similarly, if 2 bnodes appear in 
a single model and each have the same extension in that model then one 
bnode is a simple entailment of the other and you can safely remove the 
triples it appears in without losing any information from the model.

> If two resource have identical properties they may be equal
> (owl:sameAs) or not independently of whether they are anonymous or not. 

See my reply to Sandro regarding the relevance of owl semantics to my 


Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 23:30:43 UTC