RE: Asunto: Re: [www-rdf-interest] <none>

> Can we stop using the term anti-social in this context please? It's
> software which has to deal with this and software doesn't give a damn.

True, I wouldn't necessarily use the term "anti-social" since it carries
many negative connotations, but feel it's perfectly appropriate to say
that willful aliasing is "not very sociable".  My explanation was meant
to suggest that maybe the original author meant to connote "not very
sociable", rather than "sociopath"

> We are constantly told by RDF experts that one of the advantages of
> over XML is the ability to merge, understand and process data from
> different namespaces. This is one of the prime tenets of the Semantic

Merging and mixing is great, as Stephen Pollei post pointed out; nobody
is complaining about that.  The issue is really about willful aliasing
of a term that you know already exists and is likely to be understood by
others.  Again, this sort of aliasing is not catastrophic, but is
somewhat rude.

> BTW Joshua, nice to see a Microsoft guy with an interest in RDF.
> the current attitude at Microsoft regarding RDF?

We don't really have an official position.  There are a number of
Microsoft customers who use semantic web technologies on Windows, and we
have ISV partners who adequately serve the needs of those customers, so
there has not yet been a strong need for us to explicitly semantic-web
enable our software.

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2004 13:36:21 UTC