Re: Time-sensitive resources using RDF?

Dear Danny & Charles,

Many thanks for your comments and the links.

Both N-ary Relations and EARL are very interesting and very helpful.

Best regard

Wei Xing

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

>Wei Xing,
>I think your way is OK (again, a quick response). This problem was faced in
>developing EARL [1], which essentially describes whether a resource conforms
>to a requirement. In most of the use cases, the thing that was being assessed
>could change. So the conformance would change over time.
>For some time it had a similar approach, to yours. More recently the
>structure changed, so that there were Assertions, which had various
>properties including the result of the test (the conformance statement
>itself) and the time it was done.
>Comparing results then involves checking that the result you mean is relevant
>at the time you are talking about (normally, that it is the most recent). One
>of the things that EARL does not use at the moment is a datatype for dates
>(when the last draft was written datatypes were not part of RDF) but this
>should be used, in my opinion.
>As Danny says, the draft note about n-ary relations covers this case among
>[1] (yes, the schema doesn't validate - tehre are
>some typos in it. You might find that
> explains it in
>simpler form for someone who can read RDF).
>On Mon, 20 Dec 2004, Danny Ayers wrote:
>>On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 11:43:12 +0200, Wei Xing <> wrote:
>>>Does anybody  have  the experience  of  representing time-sensitive
>>>resources using RDF/S?  In particular, for the time-sensitive properties?
>>>I am trying to describe some time-sensitive resources using RDF/S, of
>>>which the values (Object) of the properties (Predicate) are changed from
>>>time to time, for instance, a computer cluster (the network bandwidth
>>>and the  free CPUs number of the cluster are dynamical).
>>>Not sure if my way is OK? Is there another way that allows me to
>>>describe such property and its value using RDF without conflicting the
>>>exsiting RDF recommendation?
>>>I appreciate any comments and suggestions on it.
>>(Sorry, very quick response)  Your basic modelling approach (the
>>4-tuple) looks ok, but I'm not sure about the representation in RDF
>>(/XML). This may be helpful:
>Charles McCathieNevile   
>tel: +61 409 134 136                 fax(france): +33 4 92 38 78 22
>Post:    21 Mitchell street, FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia    or
> W3C, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Wei Xing, M.Sc.
Research Associate                    Tel: 00357-22892663
Dept. of Computer Science             Fax: 00357-22892701
University of Cyprus                  email:
PO Box 20537
CY1678, Nicosia, CYPRUS

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2004 09:38:07 UTC