Re: peer-to-peer schema models: "Users, not designers, create and communicate meaning."

I'm not sure what the exact criteria here is but Annotea shared bookmarks 
let's users create their own views of the world by creating metadata based 
topic hierarchies ("personal ontologies") and bookmarks under those topics, 
share the topics/bookmarks with peers by publishing them as bookmark files on 
the Web, merge several user's bookmark files when looking the bookmarks/topics 
and define connections from topics and bookmarks to related concepts e.g. to 
more standardized ontologies or other related information.

Mozilla implementation I'm working on is in


Quoting Jonathan Chetwynd <>:

> Does anyone know of current peer-to-peer RDF projects?
> By this I am referring to projects where the RDF metacontent or schema 
> is defined over time by users.
> (some people might consider the CD labelling project of this type.)
> I've proposed this model for a number of projects including:
> The WWAAC concept coding framework project
> The CEN metadata for accessibility  project
> There may well be significant hurdles in adopting this approach, 
> however was inspired to request evidence of current successes by the 
> excellent: "Where the Action Is"  The foundations of embodied 
> interaction by Paul Dourish.
> when after a particularly intractable and rambling passage he announces:
> "Principle: Users, not designers, create and communicate meaning."
> regards
> Jonathan Chetwynd
>     "It's easy to use"
> irc://freenode/accessibility

Received on Wednesday, 1 December 2004 05:06:44 UTC