Re: Concept Map VS Topic Map.

Lars Marius Garshol wrote:

> | another questions, do you guys consider TMs as a SW technologies.
> | ermmm, i persoally think TMs is one kind of SW technolgies. as i
> | read some others paper, someone seemed to point that TMs is one of
> | SW technologies, so how do u guys think of it?
> That's a good question. I know the organizers of the International
> Semantic Web Conference considered doing a panel on this question, so
> I guess the answer is somewhat unclear. Some people would say no,
> others yes (and I think you'd find W3C people in both camps).
> Personally, I can't really answer that, since I'm not sure what it
> means to be a semantic web technology.

I would say that topic maps can be used as part of Semantic Web 
technology, and that they are reasonably well suited for the purpose.  I 
would also say that I haven't seen people actually *using* them that way 
so far.


Tom P

Thomas B. Passin
Explorer's Guide to the Semantic Web (Manning Books)

Received on Monday, 16 August 2004 13:41:52 UTC