Re: Attaching (embedding?) RDF

Have you looked at Adobe XMP?



Martin May wrote:

> I would like to attach RDF metadata to files. So far I have identified 
> the following options for doing so, all of which have drawbacks:
> 1. given a file foo.pdf, store the metadata in a file foo.pdf.rdf in 
> the same directory
> Main drawbacks:
> - if the file is moved or renamed, the metadata must be moved with it
> 2. store the metadata in a central repository, with a link (URI) to 
> the file
> Main drawbacks:
> - again, if the file is moved or renamed, the link becomes invalid
> - requires a central repository
> 3. embed the metadata in the file format
> Main drawbacks:
> - doesn't work with every file type
> - different handling for each file type required
> 4. create an archive file which groups the file and its metadata (e.g. 
> jar)
> Main drawbacks:
> - requires unpackaging and repackaging every time the file needs to be 
> accessed
> Does anybody have any insights or ideas on how to improve the 
> suggested methods, or provide me with other alternatives?
> Best regards,
> Martin May
> University of Aberdeen

Received on Monday, 27 October 2003 13:43:22 UTC