Re: RFD mime type question

Actually it means that the content is XML, of a particular type (in this
case rdf). You also get application/svg+xml, or xhtml+xml, or whatever.

Although if anyone knows what you call XML that mixes SVG and RDF I would be
pleased to find out.


On Sat, 11 Oct 2003, Jan Algermissen wrote:

>I am wondering what the meaning of rdf+xml is in the RDF mime-type
>application/rdf+xml. Does it refer to
>- the idea that there are other possible syntaxes for RDF than XML
>  (e.g. ntriples)
>- the idea that 'ordinary' XML can be seen as RDF, meaning that RDF can
>  some as rdf or xml   (leading to rdf+xml)
>Can someone clarify this?
>Jan Algermissen                 
>Consultant & Programmer	        

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Received on Saturday, 11 October 2003 15:49:47 UTC