Re: Semantic Web Phase 2 Activity - Protocol - Query Language

Leo Sauermann wrote:

> but with today's RDQL this is more complicated:
> if there is no <foaf:image> triple for leo, you don't get any data at
> all.
> :-0
> AND THAT IS A PROBLEM, if you have ever programmed RDQL, thats the first
> thing you curse.

Agreed, z: null should be returned, provided that your query said "oh, 
and gimme that img node if available but I still want the rest of the 
graoph if it's not". Your problem is actually SQLish but the query 
semantics you are talking about are not; so we are in agreement here.

Manos Batsis

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mbatsis at netsmart dot gr
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(+30) 210 33 02 658

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2003 11:21:48 UTC