Re: [Q] how to reference a rdf schema in an rdf instance file ?

Dear Holger,

> how do I reference a rdf schema that defines a certain
> rdf instance file within that instance file ?

Could you explain that again for me?  I'm a little confused. :-/

> BTW, does rdf provide for the inclusion of XML schema
> Files or do I need DTDs ?

If you step up to OWL [1], then you can use owl:import to... well...
import another ontology [2].  I think that DAML may have similar
abilities (I definitely not sure); however, OWL will be replacing the
older specification in the near-term [3].  IMHO, of course, I would use

Jimmy Cerra

] "I had to learn very early not to limit
]  myself due to others limited imagination."
]  - Dr. Mae C. Jemison




Received on Saturday, 31 May 2003 04:01:18 UTC