[ANN] Open RDF component kit for Delphi/Kylix released

Today the first Open RDF component kit has been released. It is a 
collection of open source (GPL 2 and MPL 1.1) RDF components for the 
Delphi/Kylix programming language and is available for download at 

The Open RDF component kit consists of the following three units:

1. The Open RDF core unit implements two components and further basic types 
which are required for other Open RDF units. TRdfSource provides an 
interface between a TRdfGraph component and RDF-aware controls on a form. 
TRdfMemoryListGraph is a TRdfGraph descendant which maintaines a list of 
RDF triples.

2. The Open RDF parser unit implements a TRdfNTripleToRdfGraphParser 
component which can be used to parse RDF graphs stored in NTriple files 
into a TRdfGraph object.

3. The Open RDF control unit implements two RDF-aware controls. 
TRdfNavigator is used to move through the triples in a TRdfGraph object and 
trigger operations on the triples. TRdfLabel implements a RDF-aware control 
that displays a triple's attribute (such as a triple's subject, predicate, 
etc.) on a form.

Dieter Koehler

Received on Thursday, 27 March 2003 12:16:39 UTC