Re: Do resources have representations? wrote:
> I've found it useful to think of URIs as being bound to
> particular intensions of resources.
> E.g. several URIs may all denote the same thing, i.e.
>       owl:sameIndividualAs
> ;
>       owl:sameIndividualAs
> .

...but do not *connote* the same thing, would be my term for it. E.g., 
the representations received when we enter each of the above in a 
browser may be different.

> but each URI, and the statements made about the resource
> using that URI, are specific to a particular intension of 
> the thing denoted.

Each URI is specific to a particular intension: ok.
Each statement using the URI: Hm.

OWL specifies that if A owl:sameIndividualAs B, then all statements you 
can make about A entail a similar statement about B. E.g., if I say

     <>  rdf:type  foo:BeautifulThing

then I'm implying that

     <>   rdf:type   foo:BeautifulThing

I think that implying it is basically as good as saying it, so I think 
that it's not useful to say that the two statements are specific to a 
particular intension of the thing described, because if I make one of 
the statements, I also make the other (in RDF+OWL).

What do you think?
- Benja

Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 11:26:50 UTC