RE: rdfs:domain for OO class properties

> <rdf:Property rdf:about="&dc;creator"
> 	 rdfs:label="creator">
> 	<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&mm;Album"/>
> 	<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&mm;Track"/>
> 	<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&mm;Artist"/>
> </rdf:Property>
> Dave Reynolds read it and suggested the following solution in
> Dave:
> "Second, your declaration of DC:title is saying that it applies to
> objects which
> are type mm:Album AND type mm:Artist AND type mm:Track - whereas I
> assume you
> really mean OR. That effect could be achieved in RDFS by creating a new
> class
> mm:HasTitle and saying that mm:Album etc are sub-classes of it."

I'd generally prefer to go further still and define a subProperty of
dc:creator for use in this context.
Otherwise you are at best saying that anything to which can be a dc:creator
in any context is an mm:Artist, hence that mm:Artist covers anyone or
anything that can create a resource, and at worse changing the definition of

Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2003 06:30:06 UTC