| An example based on | | 'Enhancing Data Interoperability with Ontologies, Canonical Forms, and Include Files' | | by Roger L. Costello costello@mitre.org August 10, 2003 | | (http://www.xfront.com/interoperability/CanonicalForms.html) some-agent measures some-quantity in some-unit not : the canonical measure of that-quantity is that-unit one unit of that-quantity measured in that-unit converts to a canonical some-number some-standard-unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- that-agent sending one unit of that-quantity in that-unit should first convert it to that-number that-standard-unit this-agent measures this-quantity in this-unit =============================================== Agent A length kilometers Agent A time seconds Agent A speed kph Agent B length miles Agent B time hours Agent B speed mph one unit of some-quantity measured in some-unit converts to a canonical some-number some-standard-unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the canonical measure of that-quantity is that-standard-unit one unit of this-quantity measured in this-unit converts to a canonical this-number this-standard-unit ====================================================================================================== length miles 1.609344 kilometers length meters 0.001 kilometers time minutes 60 seconds time hours 3600 seconds one unit of length measured in miles converts to a canonical some-number1 kilometers one unit of time measured in hours converts to a canonical some-number2 seconds that-number1 / that-number2 = some-quotient that-quotient rounded to 5 places after the decimal point is some-number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- one unit of speed measured in mph converts to a canonical that-number kph