RDF to NTriples XSLT parser


I picked up the challenge offered by Dan Brickley to
try and complete a stylesheet for the reward of a pint
of beer and a W3 T-Shirt! [1].  I've been working on
an XSLT stylesheet to convert RDF XML to NTriples.  I
looked at trying to help with some existing
implementations but I found myself needing to make
total rewrite changes across the stylesheet as my
understanding of RDF changed (in some cases I found
the syntax document insufficient and had to go through
the test cases to really understand what should be
happening).  The current version has unavoidable
issues with unicode character encoding and the
treatment of XMLLiteral values but otherwise passes (I
believe) the positive tests in the test-case
repository.  More information is available at 


I'm a newbie to RDF and not an expert at XSLT so I'm
happy to eat humble pie and take any advice on how to
improve it.

I've also done some work with a test harness that
loads generated triples from output text files into a
relational database triple store and runs queries to
determine which tests failed or succeeded.   I think
it could be used to compare the output of any RDF
processor to the official test results.  I'd be
interested to hear how other RDF parser developers are
testing their output against the test-cases
repository, and am happy to make what I have hacked
together public if it is of interest. 
James Carlyle
james a takepart.com


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Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2003 08:54:04 UTC