# KEHOME/knowledge/application/SemanticWeb/DAML/rdfs.txt # rhm Nov/7/2002 #=======================================================# # KR version of "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" # #=======================================================# # # RDF - KR aliases #================= Class is concept Instance is unit Resource is existent Property is attribute Container is group Alt is enumeration Bag is multiset Seq is list # hierarchy (outline format) #========== # NOTE: ContainerMembershipProperty corresponds to # KR relations: ismem, isalt rdfshi is begin hierarchy Resource / Statement / Property // type // label /// label "en" /// label "fr" // comment // subClassOf // subPropertyOf // seeAlso /// isDefinedBy // ContainerMembershipProperty // ConstraintProperty /// domain /// range / ConstraintResource / Container // Alt // Bag // Seq / Literal end hierarchy rdfshi # Instances #========== value isu Property schema isu Description schema has seeAlso = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema-more" # Properties #=========== Resource has type = Class, label = Literal, comment = Literal, seeAlso = Resource, isDefinedBy = Resource Statement has subject = Resource, predicate = Property, object = value Property has range = Class, subPropertyOf = Property # Property:1 iss Property:2 Class has subClassOf = Class # Class:1 iss Class:2 # labels and comments #==================== subClassOf has label "en"="subClassOf", label "fr"="sousClasseDe", comment="Indicates membership of a class" subPropertyOf has label "en"="subPropertyOf", label "fr"="sousPropriétéDe", comment="Indicates specialization of properties" Resource has label "en" = "Resource", label "fr" = "Ressource", comment = "The most general class" type has label "en" = "type", label "fr" = "type", comment = "Indicates membership of a class" label has type = Property, label "en"="label", label "fr"="label", comment="Provides a human-readable version of a resource name" comment has label "en"="comment", label "fr"="commentaire", comment="Use this for descriptions" Class has label "en"="Class", label "fr"="Classe", comment="The concept of Class" seeAlso has label "en"="seeAlso", label "fr"="voirAussi", comment="Indicates a resource that provides information about the subject resource." isDefinedBy has type = Property, label "en"="isDefinedBy", label "fr"="esDéfiniPar", comment="Indicates a resource containing and defining the subject resource." ConstraintResource has type = Class, label "en"="ConstraintResource", label "fr"="RessourceContrainte", comment="Resources used to express RDF Schema constraints." ConstraintProperty has label "en" = "ConstraintProperty", label "fr" = "PropriétéContrainte", comment="Properties used to express RDF Schema constraints." domain has label "en"="domain", label "fr"="domaine", comment="This is how we associate a class with properties that its instances can have" range has label "en"="range", label "fr"="étendue", comment="Properties that can be used in a schema to provide constraints" Property has label "en"="Property", label "fr"="Propriété", comment="The concept of a property" Literal has type = Class, label "en"="Literal", label "fr"="Littéral", comment="This represents the set of atomic values, eg. textual strings." Statement has label "en"="Statement", label "fr"="Déclaration", comment="This represents the set of reified statements." subject has label "en"="subject", label "fr"="sujet" predicate has label "en"="predicate", label "fr"="prédicat" object has label "en"="object", label "fr"="objet" Container has label "en"="Container", label "fr"="Enveloppe", comment="This represents the set Containers." Bag has label "en"="Bag", label "fr"="Ensemble" Seq has label "en"="Sequence", label "fr"="Séquence" Alt has label "en"="Alt", label "fr"="Choix" ContainerMembershipProperty has label "en"="ContainerMembershipProperty" value has label "en"="object", label "fr"="value" #