"forSome" vs. "?" (logic vs. search for the facts)

The "Anonymous nodes" example from [1] illustrated the use of context (view) and logic (forSome).
Depending on our purpose, it might be more appropriate to use questions (search for the facts).  That is, instead of using

    at view = doc {
        forSome g1 isa person {
            forSome g2 isa book {
                $g1 has firstname = "Ora";
                $g2 has title = "Moby Dick";
                at time = past { $g1 do write od $g2 done }
            } # end forSome g2
        } # end forSome g1
    } # end view = doc

we might use [2],[3]

    at view = doc {
        group1 := ? has firstname = "Ora"
        group2 := ? has title = "Moby Dick"
        group3 := group2 has author = ?
        group4 is group1 and group3
        do print od group4 done
    } # end view = doc

Hopefully, there is a unique result for our search, i.e., group2 and group3 contain only one member, and group4 exists.

[1] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3
[2] http://rhm.cdepot.net/doc/KRgrammar.txt
[3] http://rhm.cdepot.net/doc/KEtutorial.txt
Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done
knowledge haspart list of proposition

Received on Friday, 15 November 2002 14:40:12 UTC