Re: Contexts (not again!)

Richard H. McCullough wrote:

> I'm having trouble understanding your notion of "context".
> Paraphrasing your three properties:
>     Resource *has* context = Statement
>     Statement *has* contains = Resource
>     Bag *has* contents = Resource

What does the "=" mean in your KR language?   Can you map your KR 
language into triples ?

If we are talking about triples, then a graph is a set of triples. 
 "Context" appears to be a natural language idea that emerges when a 
group of agents attempt to share a graph (even perhaps when the graph 
itself doesn't exist or is distributed in different locations) ... or at 
least that's what I I'm thinking it is now.  "Scope" is the domain of 
discourse of a variable ....  isn't it ?  Perhaps with a little though 
we could agree  how all those ideas are related and tease them apart.  

Nobody has ever figured out this animated graph .... I wonder why?

Seth Russell

Received on Thursday, 14 November 2002 11:00:22 UTC