KR queries & KR logic

1. queries: KR uses "form-based questions"
Starting from the basic statement format
    subject has predicate = object
the following are legal questions
    subject has predicate = object ?    # true-false
    subject has predicate = ?              # object
    subject has ?                               # all predicates & objects
    ? has predicate = object                # all subjects
    ? has predicate                             # all subjects & objects
    ? has ?                                         # all subjects & predicates & objects 

2. logic: KR uses "if-then-else-fi"
    if sentence
    then sentence list
    else sentence list
where sentence is a statement, question, command or assignment

BTW, KR also has loops, methods, 
and several other kinds of statements.
Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done
knowledge haspart list of proposition

Received on Friday, 8 November 2002 11:14:41 UTC