RE: ANN: Joseki, an RDF server for Jena


The reason not to use RDF syntax for triple representation might be only
that it might be rather verbose.
I would find an austere XML representation of triples or quads  acceptable. 

Someone posted a suggestion for a N:Triple  representation in XML a few days
ago - as I recollect.
I don't want to offer an opinion about  its merits because I didn't look at
it very closely.


Nigel W.O Hutchison
Chief Scientist 
Software AG
Uhlandstr 12,D-64297 Darmstadt, Germany
+49 6151 92 1207

-----Original Message-----
From: Seaborne, Andy []
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 5:08 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: ANN: Joseki, an RDF server for Jena

> and use XML syntax for the triples - but not necessarily RDF XML syntax 


Why didn't you use RDF XML syntax?

Joseki encodes an operation or the results into an RDF based message then
transmits that message.  It currently use N-Triples because this way needs
to have a way of encoding an arbitrary graph structure (but with lose of the
language tags).  Its too verbose as a long term solution.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hutchison, Nigel []
Sent: 27 March 2002 13:47
To: ''
Subject: RE: ANN: Joseki, an RDF server for Jena

Absolutely - we do something like this without our RDF implementation and it
works quite nicely.

and use XML syntax for the triples - but not necessarily RDF XML syntax 

and please fix the documentation - it presents an unnecessary obstacle to
understanding the concept

Nigel W.O Hutchison
Chief Scientist 
Software AG
Uhlandstr 12,D-64297 Darmstadt, Germany
+49 6151 92 1207

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Baker []
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 5:42 AM
Subject: Re: ANN: Joseki, an RDF server for Jena

> The RDF NetAPI has two operations:
>     + Update(modelURI, triples to delete, triple to add)
>     + Query(modelURI, query) -> results

What about using HTTP for this?  GET for queries, POST for add, PUT for
replace, DELETE for deletion.  This way you can identify your triples
with URIs too; yummy goodness.

Mark Baker, Chief Science Officer, Planetfred, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2002 11:33:04 UTC