Re: Why is RDF such a tough sell?

Hi Alan,

Thanks for the reply... additional thoughts below...

In a message dated 6/24/02 10:09:32 AM, writes:
> I work on XMP for Adobe, which uses RDF. We have run into quite a bit of
> similar feedback. I wasn't around when Adobe chose RDF, but from what I've
> seen the advantages are subtle but real. At least for our usage.
Cool. I will check out XMP.

> Taking any one possible application in isolation, you can probably do an
> equal or better job by designing your own XML. As long as RDF is adequate
> though, it saves you from having to design all of the structural framework.
> E.g. how to represent nested structures (nested rdf:Description) or
> collections (rdf:Bag, rdf:Seq, rdf:Alt).
> By using a standard form your metadata is potentially usable by others, 
> even
> without knowing all of the details of your property set. Those others need
> not be everyone in the world. Just within related government agencies,
> standardizing on a representation framework can improve interoperation.
I find this an interesting potential benefit of RDF. I have considered the
possibility that the ability to add statements dynamically to RDF may
be a way to solve the "brittle format" problem (schema versioning).
Whereby you could dynamically add new properties and possibly even invalidate 
old ones by adding new RDF statements. Of course, if you use RDF schema
for validation then you are still reliant on the versioning of schemas. As a 
issue are there tools that will do validation against RDF Schema?

As for the government standardizing ... I wish. I am part of the Intel.
Community Metadata working group and it is worse than herding cats.
Hell, some are still debating whether XML is a good thing.
Major rice bowl protection and "you don't understand my unique
context" (translate my "uniqueness" into "stay away from my money").

> A lot of it is perception and learning curve too. The RDF community has not
> done a particularly good job of explaining or positioning RDF for practical
> use. The Semantic Web emphasis drives a lot of folk away.
Agreed. Tool support is a big one also. It is real good to see
Adobe take a leadership position here.

Best wishes,

- Mike
> -------------------------------
> Michael C. Daconta
> Director, Web and Technology Services

Received on Monday, 24 June 2002 15:43:21 UTC