Topic Map RDF vocabulary


While on the subject of Topic Maps:

I'm playing with the idea of refactoring Topic Maps on top of RDF. Most
Topic Map <-> RDF efforts are concerned mostly with translating between
them, taking all artefacts of both into account.

On the other hand, if we insist on using the RDF model (binary
relationships etc etc), perhaps it would be a good idea to define a
"pure" RDF vocabulary for the "essence" of Topic Maps.

If you look at it this way, things look much simpler...

Topic Maps          RDF
~~~~~~~~~~          ~~~
Associations   ->   No new vocabulary, just use Properties and RDFS
Topics         ->   No new vocabulary, just use Resources and RDFS etc.
Occurences     ->   No counterpart in RDF - new vocab needed.

So, in fact, we would need to model occurences in RDF. This is
resonable, as the primary invention of Topic Maps really is the digital
modeling of occurences. It has been stated over and over that they are
reasonably similar regarding the topic relationships, but occurences has
to my knowledge not been modeled in RDF.

Now I wonder: before I write a paper on this, has anyone seen this done?
What do you think of the idea?


Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2002 07:38:53 UTC