Re: N3 and N-Triples (was: RDF in HTML: Approaches)

On 2002-06-11 9:14, "ext Joshua Allen" <> wrote:

>> Awhile back I was thinking about this, and what came to my mind,
>> was this same idea of using UUIDs as a standard identifier for bnodes
> Which do you mean:
> A) urn:uuid:blah
> B) _:urn:uuid:blah
> I don't think "A" would work.  But I think that "B" is completely
> consistent with the RDF Model Theory.

I meant "B", though not bothering with the prefixes. I.e.


Thus, we only have three types of label in an RDF graph, URIrefs,
literals, and UUIDs.



Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2002 04:12:14 UTC