ANN: Jena 1.5.0 released

    Jena 1.5.0  (July 2002)

Jena 1.5.0 is the beginning of a process to bring Jena into line with all
the RDF core working group decisions.  It also contains all the bug fixes
to date.  Some of these changes are incompatible changes to Jena which is
why we have moved to 1.5.


Core:  Change to LiteralImpl to comply with RDF core working group
RDQL:  Minor new features (see below) and bug fixes 
RDB:   Added reification support for Postgresql and Mysql
DAML:  Bug fixes
ARP:   Passes all Core working group test cases.
       ** Requires new jar - icu4j.jar (included in Jena download) **

Full details of this release are to be found in:

Received on Thursday, 4 July 2002 04:48:09 UTC