Re: Layering LX (or FOL) on RDF

From: Sandro Hawke <>
Subject: Re: Layering LX (or FOL) on RDF 
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 04:13:49 -0400


> Do you have more thoughts on meat of the previous message, clarifying
> whether we can do same-syntax semantic extension from RDF to FOL?

I thought that I was clear.  It depends.  :-)

If you forbid self-reference, then it is possible.  If you don't correctly
capture FOL entailment, then it is possible.  If you extend the syntax of
RDF, then it is possible.  If you don't use RDF semantics for RDF triples,
then it is possible.

What it depends on is whether you think any of these violates what a
same-syntax semantic extension of RDF is.

>     -- sandro


Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2002 06:18:04 UTC