Re: n3/n-triples syntax question

> [...] When you need one (eg for a [ ] construct), you
> can't just make one ("_:g57"), because the user might
> use the same identifier ("_:g57") later in the document.

I just change the one later in the document: building up a dictionary
of bNode labels used or generated so far within the document, and then
having a function which checks to see if the label has already been
interned, generating a new one with a random string generator
repeatedly until it finds a spare label.

Your suggestion is better though, because people will most likely want
their [] generated bNode labels to be any old thing, but may have
chosen their _:XXX node labels as a mnemonic. I don't think that
reserving new _:_XXX labels is a good idea; I would always advocate
making things easy for the user rather than the programmer (although
it appears that there is a lot of overlap!).

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 30 November 2001 15:20:44 UTC