Triples from DAML


Hopefully someone will dedicate some time to tell me if I’m on the right
track or not.

Since DAML is based on XML then one might consider using an XML parser to
effectively parse a DAML file. Right?
On the other hand a DAML parser is able to produce more information
regarding a
DAML since it would parse the DAML into triples.
Which triples can be considered more useful than others when making a

Example1: the following is an instance of a CS-Staff member

IsAMemberOf(John,CS-Staff) =>
CS-Staff is the Subject
IsAMemberOf is the Predicate
John is the Object

So I would say that DatatypeProperties in a DAML file are important since
from them one can get to the type of relations as above

One can query for example: “Which are the staff members in the Computer
Science department?”
And this would return with all the values that the IsAMemberOf( x,CS-Staff)

Example 2:
<daml:Class rdf:ID="Member">
  <rdfs:comment>represents a member of the lecturing staff</rdfs:comment>
  <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="" />
  <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="" />
     <daml:Restriction daml:maxCardinality="1">
             <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasOffice" />

This block of daml code above represents a class Member which is a subclass
of a Person class and a Lecturing-Staff class and also a subclass of the
abstract class where a Member has only one office(defined elsewhere).
Such a number of statements when parsed with a DAML parser would result in a
number of triples, some being more useful than others when querying.
Such triple as:
      Subject :
      Predicate:  subClassOf
      Object :    Member

      Subject :
      Predicate:  subClassOf
      Object :    Member

Am I right in the above declarations of triples?
Which other triples can be stated from the above code?


Received on Thursday, 22 November 2001 18:10:03 UTC