Re: RDF in html:address


Would you walk through this and explain how it works?

Who is doing what to whom, blow by blow?


At 05:05 PM 2001-01-04 +0000, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>"To whoever it may concern",
>I've noticed that the usage of <address> as set out in HTML 4.01 is rather
>ambiguous. The definition [1] says "details about the author", but the
>example contains date information as well... I take the example as being a
>normative extension to the definition.
>Anyway, what this implies is that <address> is metadata. So would it be
>better to use RDF? Of course...but you still want to see it inline
>sometimes. So use inline RDF? Exactly:-
><rdf:Description rdf:about="">
>  <address>
>    <div>
>      <dc:author>
>        <a href="
<>">Sean B.
>       </dc:author>
>    </div>
>    <div>
>      <dc:date>2001-01-04</dc:date>
>    </div>
>  </address>
>mydoc.html --[rdf:Description]--> html:address
>html:address -->
>     dc:author -> Sean B. Palmer
>     dc:date -> 2001-01-04
>Pretty obvious I suppose, but I wanted to say it anyway...
>The first person to point out my main inaccuracy gets a free off-list rant
>about using XHTML m12n to add RDF to XHTML :-)
>Kindest Regards,
>Sean B. Palmer
><> [ERT/GL/PF]
>"Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics."
>   - Homer J. Simpson, BABF07.

Received on Friday, 5 January 2001 18:17:38 UTC