
does anyone have any contacts here - the link to eor.war appears to be
broken (other downloads ok), and a mail to the address provided didn't help.

To:      webmaster@eor.dublincore.org
  Subject: download problem
  Sent:    Sun, 8 Apr 2001 13:36:05 -0400

did not reach the following recipient(s):

osbornl@oclc.org on Sun, 8 Apr 2001 13:39:22 -0400
    The recipient name is not recognized
	The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=us;a=
    MSEXCH:IMS:OCLC:Dublin:OA1-SERVER 0 (000C05A6) Unknown Recipient

Danny Ayers

Received on Sunday, 8 April 2001 13:53:00 UTC