Re: Is "Model" part of the RDF model?

Arnold deVos wrote:

> RDF API's Stanford [1] and Jena [2] seem to share the concept of a
> "Model" defined as a "container of triples" or "a set of Statements"
> respectively and not to be confused with *the* RDF model.
> There is no explicit concept of a Model mentioned in the formal RDF
> definition [3], so my question is: is Model just an API mechanism or
> is it actually an extension to RDF in disguise?

I think "models" (like Cyc micortheories) _are_ an extension of the
RDF model.  But I think they are better called "contexts".  See Grahm
Klyne's recent posing on the subject [1] and Guha's seminal work [2].

> In the Stanford API (but not Jena) the Model is-a Resource.  Is this
> resource intended to be the same as our bag?

I think every context (aliases: models, microtheories, mentons) should
have a symbol that describes and defines it.  Obviously this symbol
will be just another node in the graph ... yes, it is a resource.  It
might be a good idea for us to start talking about a common definition
of the information we should hang off this resource such that we can
automatically create mechanisms to collect the set of triples in the
container which it represents.  Or have we already done that?  I
really don't think it's a bag as defined in the RDF syntax.


topic: Seth Russell

Received on Friday, 20 October 2000 09:21:15 UTC