Re: Querying Syntax

I've read this before, and I hope you won't mind a little cautious
criticism.  First, XML doesn't seem to make a very good query language by
itself; specialized syntaxes are tighter and, if properly designed, more
readable.  XPath is an example of this.

Here's a quick comparison:

  <rdfq:From eachResource="">
    <rdfq:Property name="BelongTo" />
          <rdfq:Property name="Budget" />

becomes (further extended to ensure that "BelongTo" is actually a

subjects ((department : startsWith(department,", "budget", dollars : ge(dollars,
(person : startsWith(person, "",
"BelongTo", department))

I note also that the XML-based syntax is not orthogonal with respect to
querying and navigation amongst all three parts of the triples.

You do have coverage of certain query concepts I have not integrated, like
Quantification and Sorting.

I come at this problem from the perspective of an implementor -- I have an
RDF engine that I want to perform complex queries against.  I needed a
syntax that was conducive to cost optimization.

Your paper was presented during the query language workshop; have there been
other such papers?  Is there any other movement on the RDF query front?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ashok Malhotra/Watson/IBM" <>
To: "Ross Judson" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Querying Syntax

> Neel Sunderesan and I wrote a paper on RDF Query for the XML Query
> in December 1998.  Some of you may find it interesting.  You can access it
> at
> If you have trouble getting to this I can send you a copy.
> All the best, Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2000 14:13:25 UTC