Re: tracing statement origin (was Re: I have a trouble with The RDF Model)

Some observations ::

> The document level tracing is provided by the URI of
> the riefied statement resource. The container level (equivalent to
> rdf:Description) tracing is provided by the URI of the Bag that is
> generated to trace all the statements that occurred in that Bag's
> syntactic occurrence. 

Bag is capturing syntactic construct required for
collections in data models.  But a relationship
captures a semantic construct required for 
completeness, multi-level serializations and 
many more things. 
Even though reification can be locally expressed by
a Bag syntactic construct, I think that reification
viewed as relationship will lead to more powerful
modeling constructs matching seamlessly with other
existing data models.

Using ID of a statement or a collection statement 
(a Bag) as the(indirect) value of a property is 
a suggestion in this direction.

> All the generated triples have the source document
> as the base URI and are therefore traceable.
> Ground Statement:
>  [Bush, wonThe, Election]
> Reified Statement Resource:
>  [ECResults#id1, type, statement]
>  [ECResults#id1, subject, Bush]
>  [ECResults#id1, predicate, wonThe]
>  [ECResults#id1, predicate, Election]
> Syntactic context for Reified Statement Resource:
>  [ECResults#bag1, rdf:_1, ECResults#id1]
>  [ECResults#bag1, type, Bag]
> Comments?
> Gabe

I like to add :

   [statement_id, is_reified, ECResults#bag1].

Also a model evolves when we express statements
or collections as values of properties at multiple
levels with domain restrictions, integrity 
enforcements etc.


Received on Monday, 27 November 2000 13:06:06 UTC