Re: A triple is not unique.

At 10:07 AM 11/21/00 +0100, Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote:
>But the quetion you quote maybe hides a deeper one : "does RDF describe 
>only resources, or does it also describe entities".
>My guess is that when a resources resolves to a unique entity, it is very 
>tempting to describe the entity rather than the resource -- and I'm pretty 
>sure some RDF users already did.

To put it roughly, I think an entity can be a resource, but a resource is 
not necessarily an entity.

Now, to try and be a little more precise:

I think the conceptual mapping [RFC2396] associated with a resource MAY be 
with a single entity;  other resources MAY have conceptual mappings that 
involve several entities, or none at all.

Therefore, I don't think using RDF to "describe an entity" raises any problems.


Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2000 11:11:50 UTC