heads up: XML-URI discussions


Quick note to make sure you're all aware of a discussion that has just
bubbled over from the XML working groups into a special-purpose public
mailing list, mailto:xml-uri@w3.org

archives: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-uri/
intro: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-uri/2000May/0000.html

The discussion addresses some detailed technical concerns relating the XML
namespaces spec to URIs, URI references and relative URIs. It therefore
relates to RDF's use of XML as a serialization syntax and to the RDF
Schema 1.0 Candidate Recommendation's normative reference to the XML
Namespaces REC. 

XMLhack attempts a summary of discussions as of may 20th at

The xml-uri list has seen 520 messages since May 15th; if anyone manages
to read a decent % of the traffic, a summary might be useful. 

I won't get a chance to look at the archives properly until next week but
wanted to make sure the Interest Group was aware of the debate.

happy reading,


RDF Interest Group chair

Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2000 17:11:42 UTC